17 May 2006

Spring Cleaning

For obvious reasons, we felt the need to mark the transformation wrought in our lives over the past week. And, these days, what better way to do so than to change one's blog template. Hope you all like the new look.


Transient Gadfly said...

Your blogroll seems to be betraying your formatting--currently (while my blog is in the new state) it seems to have jammed all of your right side navigation down at the very bottom of the page.

Otherwise, coooooooool....

tekne said...

oookaaay. thanks for the heads-up...hope this fixes it.

love to wake up in the morning to coding problems. perhaps I should this cross off the list for future jobs.

it's a width-of-column/font-size/wrapping combo-issue. never ever get creative with a website. it's death. I'm thinking that we'll go retro-circa 1996 next time. the entire blog on one long scrolly page. just you wait.

I've made the sidebar heading font smaller. should work now. if not, widen your window a bit. or make your font smaller in your browser. or go view it in firefox instead of Safari. or give up in disgust and stop reading our pearls of wisdom. any one of these things will work.

and along the way, as with all things, I fixed the right-justify of the blogrolling, gave it some padding below, and made it consistent in color with the others. sounds like a lot, but it was just one add'l tag.

know a bit more about css now than I wanted to know...

Transient Gadfly said...

Please. I am always already using Firefox.

Anonymous said...

haha, "always already" is always funny.

wow, so was this done from scratch?? sweet! i like that merlot-ish color for the links. i also much prefer the way the flickr images look in a post as compared to the flickr-blogger default. fyi, it works great, and looks the same across, Windows IE, FF, and Opera.

i just can't get CSS, no matter how hard i try. i think it's for the same reason that i can't quite get the concept of object-oriented programming. so, color me impressed.

Tarn said...

hey you gaaaa-uuuys,

i miss your *Yummy!* note next to the blogs that nave newly published entries. i mean, i use RSS, but still... it was always cool to see that here.